Complete Forex Trading Beginner Course

Welcome to Forexsb Academy, my name is Idowu Oluwaseyi P, am the Founder and CEO of Forexsb Academy

On this particular page are all the Beginner Course Videos. In this stage, you will learn how to trade the Forex market and all other financial markets profitably. Its is expected you watch and learn those videos multiple times so as to get it registered into your memory,

On behalf of the team at Forexsb Academy, I wish you the best in this profitable business of Forex trading.

DISCLAIMER: These videos are not to be shared with any third party, without the express written permission from Forexsb Academy, These videos are properties of Forexsb Academy, all copyrights reserved

Its Important you join this telegram group using the link below, all Live Webinar will hold there.

1. Origin And History Of Foreign Exchange

2. Introduction To Forex Trading

3. Key Players And What Influence The Exchange Rate Of Currencies

4. Benefits And Advantages Of Forex Trading

5. Basics Of Forex Trading

6. Top and major currencies in the forex market

7. What is currency pairs

8. Forex base and quote currency

9. Forex Trading Terminology.

10. Registering, Creating And Opening A Broker Live Account

11. How to download MT5 and MT4 on Iphone Appstore

12. How to download mt5 and mt4 on playstore

13. Iphone MT5 and MT4 setup, function and how to operate it

14. Andriod MT5 and MT4 setup, function and how to operate it

15. Candlestick open, close and wick

16. What influence the exchange rate of a currency

17. What is Forex Technical analysis

18. Charting Tools

19. Advanced Forex Trading

20. The Forex Language

21. Technical Indicators

22. Powerful 3sma Strategy

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